Digimon: Encounters Campaign Stub #1



  • Introduction
    Lt. Divermon, Royal Chief of Ea Police.
  • Meet With Lord of Ea
  • Thugs Block the Path


  • Chase Suspicious Character
  • Enter the Tower


  • Hostage Situation
  • Battle the Baddies
  • Disarm the Bomb

Traveling as a group in a submarine to the underwater city of Ea, this campaign stub assumes that all of the player characters already know and have worked with each other. The promise of bountiful rewards as well as gaining the respect of Ea's ruler have drawn the characters to accept this quest. The first part of the quest introduces the party to their quest-givers; the Chief of Police, Divermon, and the Lord of Ea, MetalSeadramon. There isn't too much to roll here, though MetalSeadramon should be played as a master negotiator. Players should be encouraged to make use of Knowledge (Social Sciences), Perception (Sense Motive), Persuasion (Diplomacy), and Persuasion (Haggle) to alter the terms of their promised reward.

"Your group of traveling adventurers have all received special summons to thee underwater city of Ea. You've been hired for special guard duty during the city's 200th sky racing festival, though aside from that, your summons was vague on why they need the extra muscle.

Royal Chief of Ea Police, Lt. Divermon, 
Greetings esteemed adventurers. I hail from the city of Ea of the Realm Ea. We have heard of your exploits and marvel at the tales told of your heroism. It is through these tales that I find myself looking to you for help with a most urgent matter.

My liege, His Majesty, Lord MetalSeadramon, is hosting the 200th annual Sky Racing Tournament in the coming weeks, and is in desperate need of additional guards of high standing from outside our Realm. Word of your high standing in the far away plane of Kishar attests to your character, and Lord MetalSeadramon requested you personally.We have more to discuss on the matter, but that is best left for speaking in person. I hope to meet with you soon. 
My great thanks, 
Lt. Divermon, Royal Chief of Ea Police

A large submarine takes you down to the underwater city of Ea. The city consists of several large clear domes on large stilts connected to one another by a web of interconnecting walkways. Each seems to have a central tower that reaches to the very top of the dome. The central dome is by far the largest, dwarfing the five others by at least half. On its central tower is a large glowing power source, creating light for the city, and making the water around it shimmer brilliantly in a variety of colors.

The submarine docks with the largest bubble, in a large open room along the outer ring, and you watch as several aquatic Digimon swim around the docking bay, prepping the submarine as the water is slowly drained from the room.

When the room drains, the main hatch opens. Divermon is there waiting for you. "Come with me, quickly. There is much we need to discuss. The situation has changed somewhat."

[GM NOTE: Divermon is a no-nonsense Digimon who takes his job as chief of the royal police very seriously. If the players try to coax information out of him, he will always defer to his ruler, MetalSeadramon. Attempts to intimidate him will be met with staunch defiance, and a threat of arrest. He may be more amiable to characters who show a sense of loyalty to the cause, or who give the proper respect to MetalSeadramon. Here are some questions the party might ask at this point. More experienced GMs may choose to make Divermon more formal, or instead give him a more haughty tone when he speaks.]

Who are you? "I am Divermon, I sent you the letter requesting your services! It is my honor to meet you in person. I am chief of the Royal Police of Ea. You may call me Officer Divermon, or Lieutenant."

What's changed about the situation? "I....cannot discuss that right now. When we are in the privacy of the palace, I will give you more information."

What is the Sky Racing festival? "Ah yes, a tradition here in Ea. We have a race every year to commemorate the first non-sea Digimon living in our underwater home. Flying Digimon participate in a race through the city that ends in a race to the top of Ea's central tower. It is quite a sight to see."

Why did you need extra guards? "Normally my royal police can handle a normal Sky Racing Festival crowd, but this year is the 200th anniversary of the festival. Digimon from all of the planes have come to see the race, and that is far too many for only my royal police to handle. His majesty MetalSeadramon suggested your group would be up to the task."

Where did MetalSeadramon hear of us? "His Lordship likes to keep up on information regarding young adventurers across the planes. It is something of a passtime for him, due to his history as an adventurous youth. Since most of his time is now spent administering the prosperous plane of Ea, he can only follow the tales of adventurers."

"We have wasted enough time. I must take you to Lord MetalSeadramon. Come along." Divermon leads you out of the docking bay, and out into the greater bubble and the city. The bubble city of Ea is huge, with the top easily reaching several hundred feet in the air. While the buildings around you block any sort of good view of the rest of the city, you can see the central tower far off, touching the very top of the bubble. It's central sphere of energy pulsing gently with warm, ambient light."

[GM NOTE: Now may be a good time to have players with the Knowledge (Physical Sciences), (History), and (Technology) Skills to roll, and gain some knowledge about Ea. The information for these Skill checks can be found on page 117.]

After some time walking through busy streets, Divermon eventually leads you to a huge palace situated closer to the center of the city. A wide city street breaks off to a path with guards stationed along it. The path, made of finely cut stone and with pillars lining it, leads to the palace which glistens as if made from pearl. 

"We are here. I will announce you to his Lordship, then you may speak to him."

You walk up the steps to the two large wooden doors that lead into the palace. Divermon nods to the two guards standing at attention on either side of the doors, then, with some effort, pushes the doors in.

"Divermon, Chief of the Royal Ea Police, announces the arrival of the adventurers from Kishnar, as requested by his eminence, MetalSeadramon, lord of Ea!"

Coiled at the end of a long empty room is the massive form of MetalSeadramon. A long gold and silver sea serpent, MetalSeadramon looks down at you with a piercing gaze. "Welcome travelers, to my domain. I am pleased to see that you are here, especially as our situation grows more dire."

[GM NOTE: MetalSeadramon is an old warrior who eventually came to power in Ea. His history as a warrior makes him particularly friendly towards adventurers. While he is a strong Digimon with much influence, he has a soft spot for haggling and negotiating. His initial offer for reward may seem a bit low, but this should be a way to encourage the players to haggle and attempt to increase the reward sum. MetalSeadramon should not be insulted by counter-offers, but is still a shrewd negotiator. By the end of negotiations, the players should come out with quite a bit more than originally offered. This is also a good time to allow players to roll Knowledge (Digidex) on MetalSeadramon. Not only should this give them his stats (found on page 149), but also a bit on his history as a Warrior and his love of haggling.]

Meet With the Lord of Ea:
"Welcome travelers. I am MetalSeadramon, lord of all you see before you. However, as you know, I am in need of your help. Originally my loyal servant Divermon requested your aid in guarding the festivities, but things have grown more dire since he sent you that letter. A rogue element of Digimon have snuck into the city along with the myriad of visitors here to see the race. I need you to suppress these ruffians and keep them from disrupting the festival! Intelligence says they are not organized, but mostly petty thugs and thieves. While the Royal Police keep everything running smoothly, I would like you to keep your eye out for any funny business. If you catch sight of any maltruants, you have full authority to deal with them. It would be disastrous to Ea if the Sky Racing Festival were ruined. Finally, since you are adventurers, I am sure you are most interested in compensation. For your efforts in regards to guard duties and driving off any thugs, I will reward you with the compensation of +1 Wealth each...unless you believe your services are worth more?"

Tactical Encounter:
The players can haggle with MetalSeadramon for up to a total of +4 Wealth each with a Persuasion (Diplomacy) or Perusasion (Haggle) skill check. Most likely, the party will compare Persuasion skill bonuses to see who will do the haggling. However, the rest of the party can assist. A party member may use the Aid Another action to assist in the Persuasion check by making their own Persuasion roll against a DC 15. If they succeed, they add a +2 circumstance bonus to the Persuasion (Haggle) check. Use the following table to determine the haggle DC. If the party fails their persuasion check, they may try again, though for a lower amount.
     +2 Wealth: DC 15
     +3 Wealth: DC 20
     +4 Wealth: DC 25

Regardless of how the haggling goes, the party now has their quest, and is off to the festival. They now have an introduction to how skill checks work, and have a chance at a greater reward. Read the following text aloud:

MetalSeadramon swishes his tail, "Ah, nothing like a good barter to stave off the boredom. Good luck to you, adventurers. I shall see you after the festival." With that, you are escorted out of the throne room and back into the streets.

Divermon points you in the direction of the festival before parting ways with you, saying how he must rejoin his squad. He also wishes you luck, and gives you each a badge showing your authority with the Royal Police.

Thugs Block The Path:
This begins the first combat encounter of the campaign. It is meant to both introduce the players to how combat works, and to introduce the "rogue element" among the festival-goers. The thugs aren't all that powerful, but should be strong enough to last one or two rounds against a full party of 4. If the party tries talking to them or they see the party, they immediately attack. Begin this section with a Perception (Spot) skill check. Read the following based on the highest roll among the party:

15 Perception: "Not more than a few blocks towards the central tower of the city, you round a corner and see several Digimon standing in a deserted street; all big brutes and one scrawny one."
20 Perception: "They appear to be holding small knives, and are talking in growling whispers. All of them have matching tattoos on their shoulders of the universal hazard symbol."
25 Perception: "Several of the Digimon look like skilled fighters. The scrawnier one does not but seems to be bossing the others around, and instead of a knife is holding a pouch protectively in its hands."

Upon seeing you, three of the Digimon lunge forward, shouting as they move towards you while the fourth turns and runs away.

Tactical Encounter:
Use the Gotsumon and several of the Kunemon stat blocks for this encounter (Use the Hazard Scout and Hazard Guard stat blocks on page 140 of the Digimon: Encounters Core Rulebook). Ideally with a party of 4, you can use three to five Kunemon Thugs to challenge the party. However, if you are dealing with a smaller party, it may be best to drop one of the thugs to better ensure balance in combat. The Gotsumon is the scrawny thug who runs immediately with the detonation primer. You will be using his Will Defense later during the Interrogation Skill Challenge.

The thugs lay in the dirt, unmoving after your battle, however the final scrawny thug took off, and is still running down the street! You see a crumpled piece of paper in one of the thugs hands. Smoothing it out, you read what it says.

"This pouch contains a back-up primer. Do not lose it. If ours goes out or you run into trouble, have Skitter deliver it to me. No primer means no bomb."

This first fight should leave the party still in good shape. While they really only posed a minimal threat, it introduces players to combat, and allows them to devise better strategies for the future. Make sure that the players' attention is drawn to the thug running away, and if necessary, you may have to railroad the players into chasing after him.

Chase the Suspicious Character!
After the scrawny thug runs, the party should give chase. If they seem uninterested, try making him a more enticing lead by mentioning that he is wearing a vest with the name Skitter embroidered on the back.

Part II is heavily skill focused, and should allow anyone who wasn't able to help with haggling to use other skills for the mission. This is also the introduction to Skill Challenges. The first skill challenge should be an easy one for the party to succeed at, but more challenging ones will show up later on. 

The scrawny thug bolts down the empty street before turning sharply to the right at an intersection, and disappearing down another street and disappearing from sight. As you round the corner yourselves, you see the intersecting street leads into a large plaza near the city's central tower, completely filled with a large crowd. 

Tactical Encounter:
This first skill challenge is very Perception-focused. Below are listed relevant skill checks and their DCs for tracking down and apprehending the runaway thug. However, if a player suggests a skill check that they believe could help, it is up to your judgement to accept the player's idea and run with it.

Runaway Thug Skill Challenge: CL 2
3 successes before 4 failures
Athletics DC 12
Initiative DC 12
Perception (Spot) DC 12
Perception (Search Area) DC 12

Catching the thug is all but guaranteed. However catching him is only the start of their troubles. Now the party must grill him for answers in a much more difficult Skill Challenge. Encourage the use of Tech Points to sway the odds in their favor, or to use roleplaying to intimidate the prisoner. The GM may just award a +1 circumstance bonus to a convincing interrogator!

Pinned to the ground, the scrawny thug squirms impotently. "I won't never talk! Not to any water wimps from Ea!" 

On his person you find his tattoo that matches the tattoos on the other thugs, a leather jacket with "Skitter" embroider on it, a small dagger, and a brown leather satchel. Inside the satchel is a small electronic device. One way or another, you need to get answers out of this thug.

Tactical Encounter:
When a player asks him a question, announce that you are starting another Skill Challenge to interrogate your prisoner. If the party calls the chief of police, he will tell the players to grill him for questions while he heads over to pick him up.

Thug Interrogation Skill Challenge CL 3
3 successes before 3 failures
Persuasion (Intimidate) vs Gotsumon Will Defense (DC 14, or 16 if you think the party needs a challenge)

Should the party succeed in prying information out of Skitter, they learn of Hazard; an organization from Anshar who are here to destroy the city in an attempt to spread chaos in the realm. They also learn that Hazard agents have already infiltrated the Tower to plant their bomb.

If the party fails, however, more rudimentary information is given to them when Divermon arrives. The key here is that Divermon doesn't know the tower has already been infiltrated, meaning that the party will most likely be caught off-guard when entering the tower.

Read one of the following sections, depending on the success or failure of the Thug Interrogation Skill Challenge:

"Alright, okay. I'll talk. Volcamon should already have control of the tower by now. Intel said they only had a few guards posted. The rest of our team should have gotten the other parts of the bomb smuggled in. He said they were gonna plant it at the top of the tower to make a statement to all bubble dwellers on Ea."

The players may have some questions for the Digimon at this point. Use the following lines to answer any questions the players have:

Who are you? "I am Skitter, and we are Hazard! Fighters of injustice and loyal followers of Volcamon. Our tattoos let others know to watch out when they see us coming!"

What is this that you had in your pouch? "It's a spare ignition switch for the bomb. We smuggled in two of every vital piece into the city. In case one got confiscated, the other would be able to get through and we would still have a bomb."

Why are you doing this? "We do what Volcamon tells us to do! He ordered us to fight the injustices festering in Ea, so that's what we are doing!"

Where are you from? "We hail from Anshar. That should tell you everything you need to know. We plan on destroying that tower as a statement that nobody is safe from Hazard!"

Skitter will say no more, having resolved his will against further persuasion. After a few more minutes, Divermon and a pair of Royal Police arrive. "Good job catching this low-life. We'll take him in for processing and a proper I with Lord MetalSeadramon. We were on our way to the Tower to relieve the current guards. You go to the Tower in our place to relieve the current guards, while we take this thug to the palace dungeon.

Passing through crowds of people looking on with excitement at the sky racing above, you make your way towards the central tower of Ea. There is a large stone wall separating the many onlookers from the tower itself, though it looks climbable, and in the middle of the wall is a barred gate with a path leading to the tower's main entrance.  The tower itself is much more elegant, with low, open windows on the sides, leading inside the main hall, and a pair of large wooden doors in the front. You see two Champion stage Digimon guarding the wooden doors, however, neither are wearing the Royal Police armor, and you notice they each have the same tattoo as the thugs from before. Neither is moving to attack the crowd, but seem intent on watching everyone who passes by the gate.

The underwater city of Ea, with it's central support pillar.

Enter the Tower!
There are two options for entering the tower; the party can either attempt to stealth their way in through a window, or by attacking the two Hazard thugs guarding the entrance beyond the gate (Use the Hazard Assassin stat blocks from page 141). The Stealth skill check will probably be the more difficult one, since failure means fighting the enemies anyway. 

Encounter A: Sneaking
Every party member must first get over the wall, requiring either an Acrobatics check, or a Climb check (both DC 15), and then a Stealth check (DC 20) to sneak past the guards. Should any fail the sneak check, the guards are alerted, and an encounter begins, using the following information from Encounter B. Entering through the window is a swift action, while climbing the wall is a move action.

Encounter B: Charging
Simply attacking the guards is the direct approach, and requires little in terms of skill checks. Use two of the Yanmamon stat blocks for this encounter. Make sure to warn the party that Champion stage Digimon are more powerful than Rookies. 

Defeating the Champion Digimon may be the first true combat the party has seen, and sneaking past them is no small matter either. This victory, along with the various skill checks, and skill challenges should be enough to advance the player characters to level 4. If they are using the pre-made character pamphlets, have them turn their character pamphlets to the Level 4 page. You may need to explain any changes to their characters' stats or abilities.

Hostage Situation
Things quickly become more complicated upon entering the tower, as several Royal Police guards are being held hostage! 

The entrance hall of the tower is deserted, though you can tell there are signs of a struggle. The guards who were here put up a fight from the looks of things, however, they are nowhere to be seen. 

Tactical Encounter:
Upon entering the second level, the party is greeted by several more Hazard Digimon at the end of a long hallway, along with two Royal Police hostages. Behind them; the elevator doors that will take the party to the top of the tower, and the final boss (Use the Hazard Assassin or Hazard Striker stat blocks from page 141, and depending on how the party is holding up, use 1 to 3 enemies.). If they are not fairing well, use some Scouts or Guards instead. At your leisure, have the Hazard Digimon attack the hostages, or use them as partial cover (giving party members Combat Disadvantage on attack rolls made against them). This will further spur the party into action.

Going up the stairs to the second level, you come to a long, wide hallway that leads to a door clearly marked "ELEVATOR". However, blocking your path are several more Hazard Digimon, as well as two bound and gagged Geckomon, both wearing the armor of the Ea Royal Police. The Hazard members smile wickedly as you enter.

Upon being freed, the Geckomon police will offer to heal the Party, thanking them for their help. Though they are too weak to be of any further assistance, they offer to go notify Lord MetalSeadramon of the danger. Additionally, they give you their access card to the elevator, allowing the party to finally get to the top of the tower to meet Volcamon.

Battle the Baddies
Here we introduce the leader of this small band of Hazard agents; Volcamon. Volcamon is an Ultimate stage Digimon, and thus is confident in his power compared to the party. He is brash and easily angered, so don't be afraid to ham it up when portraying him. 

The elevator chimes as it reaches the top of the tower. As the doors slide open, the rush of howling wind this high in the giant dome rustles through you. Occasionally you see several flying Digimon in the Skyrace flitting past, unaware of the danger so close. Not far ahead and up a small flight of stairs, standing just underneath the clear dome itself is a large angry looking Digimon, surrounded by Kunemon working on a device attached to the dome. Beyond them is what looks like an escape pod or small submarine getaway vehicle. The large Digimon pauses mid-rant for the Kunemon to move faster, then turns to face you.

"Ooooh? So they sent someone to stop me after all! Don't expect me to go easy on you. But I will not be defeated so easily. I am Volcamon! Leader of this sect of Hazard! Destroyer of all you hold dear! I'll flood this city and laugh as those who oppose us drown by my hand! So come, try to stop me. I won't hold back."

Volcamon, leader of the Hazard cell in Ea.

Tactical Encounter:
Volcamon is accompanied by a couple of Kunemon, who should be no problem for the party at this point (Use the Hazard Scout stat blocks from page 140, and the Hazard Terror stat blocks on page 141 for this encounter.). While the Scouts are easily dispatched, Volcamon will be a true challenge. Don't forget to encourage any Digimon in the party to digivolve!

"Hah...I may have been bested, by I will have the last laugh. My bomb will go off, and will kill all of us, and my goal will still be achieved. Worthless...fools..."

Disarm the Bomb
With the defeat of Volcamon comes the final challenge; disabling the bomb. This is crucial to the success of the campaign, so make sure to let the players know that this is a life or death situation. Tell them that they are entering a skill challenge, and make sure to remind them to use any Tech Points they have left to secure a successful DC.

Tactical Encounter:
Pulling out every stop, and using every trick available, the party must disable the bomb. Allow party members to make DC 15 skill checks to assist other players (giving them a +2 on whatever they roll), and if a party member rolls exceptionally well, don't be afraid to give a +1 circumstance bonus to the next skill check made by a party member.

Skill Challenge CL 5
4 successes before 3 failures
Knowledge (Mechanics) DC 10
Use Technology DC 15
Use Technology (Repair Device) DC 15
Endurance (Concentration) DC 12

Simply put, success means the day is saved, and so are the lives of thousands of people below at the festival. Failure, on the other hand, spells disaster. The party may have the chance to escape the oncoming destruction in the getaway vehicle that Volcamon left behind, but that will not stop the fact that the capital city of Ea will suffer a great catastrophe.

Expanding From This Adventure:
Rewards can be given out at this point, regardless of success or failure, and make sure to congratulate the players for strong efforts. This campaign stub can be built upon as the beginning of more adventures, both working for MetalSeadramon in Ea, and to realms beyond. Their successful disarming of the bomb may gain them much renown in Ea, while Ea's destruction may hang over the party until they manage to redeem themselves. Either way, Pillar of Ea can serve as a great way to continued fun and adventures in Digimon: Encounters.


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