Digi-Mom: Encounters

First of all, a late happy mother's day to all the moms out there! In that spirit, we would like to pay tribute to all the wonderful mothers who have raised us, taken care of us, supported us, and tolerated our antics, by counting down the top five moms in Digimon.

So welcome to Digi-Mom: Encounters!

Number 5: Yuuko Kamiya

Str. 13, Dex. 13, Con. 10, Int. 10, Wis. 8, Cha. 12

Mother to Tai and Kari Kamiya, Yuuko has probably had to deal with some skirmishes and battles of her own. Raising siblings is difficult enough,but throwing digital monsters into the mix is more than a little harrowing. And, though she can't cook for beans and her liver sticks could kill a Dark Master, she managed to get the job done well. It's no wonder her children bear the crests of Courage and Light.

Number 4: Nancy Takaishi

Str. 10, Dex. 10, Con. 11, Int. 14, Wis. 12, Cha. 11

Not only did Nancy help raise two of the Digidestined, but she had the added wrinkle of being a single mother at that. A divorcee, her relationship with her ex husband might have been Rocky, but she maintained close to both her children even though they were split up. She also played an active role in helping TK and Matt during Adventure 02, putting her abilities as an investigative reporter to good use.

Number 3: Toshiko Takenouchi

Str. 9, Dex. 9, Con. 10, Int. 13, Wis. 15, Cha. 10

Sora's mother is the tough love kind of mom. Not only does she run her own business, but she raises Sora virtually alone, as her husband travels often for work. Brooking no argument from her daughter, it lead to some strain in their relationship. However, after Sora realizes that her mother is acting out love and concern for her well being, the two become closer than ever before.

Number 2: Mrs Ichijoji

Str. 11, Dex. 9, Con. 14, Int. 10, Wis. 9, Cha. 13

While going unnamed in the series, Ken's mother is a quintessential example of motherhood. While pride does initially blind her to her son's dark dealings, it is her patience, compassion and love that ultimately bring Ken back to the light. Add to this her hard work and dedication to her family, and it becomes apparent why her son has the crest of Kindness.

Number 1: Kae Izumi

Str. 9, Dex. 10, Con. 10, Int. 11, Wis. 14, Cha. 14

Kae Izumi has one of the hardest jobs of all. Unable to bear children of her own, she and her husband adopted Izzy after his biological parents were killed in a car accident. From this, a strong family was born and her son thrived.
All mother's are to be commended. Once more, we wish all of you a very happy mother's day. And to everyone else, remember to give thanks for them.


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