
Showing posts from May, 2019

Digi-Mom: Encounters

First of all, a late happy mother's day to all the moms out there! In that spirit, we would like to pay tribute to all the wonderful mothers who have raised us, taken care of us, supported us, and tolerated our antics, by counting down the top five moms in Digimon. So welcome to Digi-Mom: Encounters! Number 5: Yuuko Kamiya Str. 13, Dex. 13, Con. 10, Int. 10, Wis. 8, Cha. 12 Mother to Tai and Kari Kamiya, Yuuko has probably had to deal with some skirmishes and battles of her own. Raising siblings is difficult enough,but throwing digital monsters into the mix is more than a little harrowing. And, though she can't cook for beans and her liver sticks could kill a Dark Master, she managed to get the job done well. It's no wonder her children bear the crests of Courage and Light. Number 4: Nancy Takaishi