
Showing posts from March, 2018


And now, introducing the Spirit Evolution game mechanic! Starring ME, and NOT starring Nanette Manoir! Angela Anaconda CL4 Human, Game Breaker 4 ABILITIES:  STR 8,  DEX 8,  CON 8,  INT 8,  WIS 8,  CHA 13 Defenses: Reflex 15 (Flat-Footed 15), Fortitude  13, Will: 13 HP: 40; Tech Points: 7 Speed: 6 squares (Walking) Base Attack Bonus: +3 Grapple: -1 Skills: Knowledge (History/Lore) +6, Perception +6 Feats: Weapon Prof (light), Armor Prof (light), Favored Enemy (human), Spirit Evolution Attack Options: Kick/Punch: 1d20 +3 (1d6 - 1) Class Power: Imagination Sequence Beginning at second level, and every even level thereafter, a Game Breaker gains a +1 Damage Reduction  against attacks made against her. Trying to stop me from breaking this game, eh? Hmm...sounds like we need the return of a great and powerful hero! I activate my class power, giving me a bonus to damage reduction. Aaaand... ANGELA ANACONDA DIGIVOLVE TO... Angel