
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Guide to Your Digital World: Anshar

Good evening fans and followers! Our previous posts introduced new game mechanics, gave you a starting campaign with which you can learn the rules of Digimon: Encounters , and also provided you all with the core rule book needed for play so that you have those rules at the ready. Now let us begin to introduce you to the world of Digimon: Encounters . While there are snippits here and there within the core book, it doesn't provide a lot of detailed information. So the following will be the first in a series of gazetteer-type posts (to be scattered throughout our production updates) so that you can familiarize yourself with the universe of Digimon: Encounters . We would like to begin with a brief history of Anshar. Anshar: Home of the Imperial Palace The Imperial Palace in Anshar Proper dates back to the ancient Digital World’s first Emperors. Back then, Anshar was the only plane in the Digital World, and was divided into forty-four sub districts. The capital, District One, w