
Showing posts from 2018

Character Bio: The Black Diamond

With December upon us, we reach the season of reflection and camaraderie. This is a perfect opportunity to reflect on an enemy already featured in the Core Rulebook, but only briefly. Here we have the greatest evil of the Digital World; enemy of all and ruler of all; the Black Diamond. Here we give some of the backstory, motivations, and description of The Black Diamond, expounding on what was already listed in the book. Feel free to use this information in your adventures as character motivation, backstory, or even a quest giver! The Black Diamond: Enemy of the Digital World The Black Diamond: The Greatest Enemy Ever Known He is a ruthless, brutal tyrant of a man, and he ruled the Digital World for nearly a hundred years, unchallenged. The Black Diamond is a Digimon of immense strength who came to power in a quick, violent political revolution that deposed the old empire after years of corruption and abuse of its citizens. His real name is unknown, but he is called t

Encounter Scenario: Deltamon

            In your games, sometimes rather than a simple enemy boss to fight, you'll want to make the encounter more dynamic. In the Digimon: Encounters Core Rulebook , the concept including environmental hazards is touched upon in Chapter 10: Combat in the Terrain subsection, and in Chapter 13: Game-Mastering in the Hazards and Encounter Levels subsection. Here, we will take a look at what one of these enhanced encounters would look like using a scene from Digimon Adventure 02 . The location is the "Forbidden Valley of No Return" (or the "Valley of Duckies and Bunnies" according to Cody), and the boss your party is up against is the ferocious Champion Digimon "Deltamon". There are a few different parts to this encounter, so let's go through each of them in turn, starting with Deltamon. Digimon, Deltamon CL 10 ABILITIES: STR 16, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8 Defenses: Reflex 18(Flat-Footed 15), Fortitude 25, Will 20 HP: 70; T

Digimon Day 2018 & Faction Focus: The Shadows

We come to the beginning of yet another month, though the beginning of this month notes the celebration of Digimon Day! With announcements of a new multi-platform Digimon game, Digimon Survive, and a new Digimon Move set in the Adventure 01 universe, Things are really picking up for digi-news! In this month's article, we explore digital death in the Encounters universe, the icy netherworld plane of Handra, and the mysterious Order of the Guardians. A shrine built to honor the Shadows The Shadows: Mythology of the Digital World It is the belief among Digimon that physical death, the de-resolution of a Digimon’s data into its component parts, is not the end of their lives. Instead, a Digimon’s soul continues on as a Shadow, an incorporeal spirit. The Shadows, as a whole, sit in judgment over a Digimon’s spirit, deciding whether he is worthy to continue on as a Shadow, or whether he will face eternal damnation and solitude. If a spirit is judged worthy, he has two choices.

Digimon: Encounters Campaign Stub #2

OPERATION: VICEGRIP PART 1: ESCAPE Spray-Painted Blackout Logo Monodramon The Ties That Bind Overpower the Guards! PART 2: DISCOVERY The Way Out Rogue Digivice The Buried Spire PART 3: ESCALATION Sound the Alarm! Elite Guards Descend Subject 01 PART 1: ESCAPE Monodramon This campaign starts in the traditional RPG fashion of the players waking up to find themselves stripped of all weapons and items and locked in a dungeon. This 'dungeon' is actually a prison located on Earth, where the dangerous humanity-first group, Blackout, are working on their latest anti-Digimon experiment. Operation ViceGrip is best suited for a party of 2 to 4, though it may be more difficult for the lower number of players. The beginning introduces the party to Monodramon; a fellow prisoner at the end of his life. He is the quest-giver, and also the catalyst that should galvanize a group of captured strangers into a full party. Players will want to put specia